Brainspotting at Shine the Light Counseling in Baltimore:
The What and the Why
What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a proven effective trauma treatment. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression and can help with creative and athletic performance.
It taps into the client’s innate wisdom in order to more quickly process and heal from trauma. The therapist supports the client by helping them be in tune with their body and finding what’s called a “brainspot.” A brainspoot is an eye gaze that helps the client access the part of the brain that the trauma is held. It goes beyond normal talk therapy and even other effective trauma modalities to truly access the root of the trauma to resolve it.
Brainspotting infuses brain science and mindfulness to create a holistic, safe, and healing environment for each client. Learn more in this video or by visiting www.brainspotting.com!
While Alli Clayton lives in Baltimore, telehealth allows Shine the Light Counseling to conduct brainspotting therapy services to anyone living in Maryland.
Learn about what Brainspotting is and why it’s effective.
Q: Can brainspotting be done via telehealth?
A: Yes! I was trained using telehealth and it can be just as effective!
Q: Can anyone be brainspotted?
A: Yes! Even if you don’t have trauma to process, it can help to relieve depressive and anxiety symptoms, enhance creativity, and remove other mental blocks.
Q: Do I need anything to be brainspotted?
A: Nope! It can be helpful to have headphones, though, so that you can couple the brainspotting sessions with biolateral music. This helps the brain to speed up the processing by connecting right and left hemispheres.
Q: Does brainspotting cost extra or need extra time?
A: Generally, no. You can definitely practice brainspotting in the normal 50 minute session, which would not add additional cost. However, some prefer longer brainspotting sessions in order to do more at once. If this interests you, we can discuss alternate timing and pricing options.